Tuesday 15 February 2011

Hi Friends,

Most of the members complain about the same thing:

They say their sex life is a boring routine.

If that's also your situation, you will
really enjoy today's article.




How To Delay Your Orgasm

“Remember, if you smoke after sex you’re doing it too fast.” – Woody Allen

Mocking a man’s speediness is common amongst groups of girls – I’ll be the first to admit that when a guy blows his load before I’ve even said “Oooh,” I’m telling my girlfriends about it. And we all laugh.

The fact that a lot of men can’t always last that long in the bedroom is both funny and serious – it may be reassuring to know that it’s so commonplace we ladies expect – it’s not surprising when we encounter “early bloomers.” However, for a lot of married couples, a quick finale can be extremely disappointing and can really put a damper on a couple’s sex life.

If you want some tips on lasting longer and some advice on how to delay your orgasm, you’ve come to the right place. Now just take a deep breath, relax, and remember what is written below…

Slow down

Everyone wants to skip the meal and go straight to the dessert – besides, it’s the best part! I understand why you want to rush to the sex part and get your gears grinding, but there’s something to be said about a slower pace. Moving a bit slower can help you to hold off your release in different ways – this is especially true when it comes to foreplay and trying different sensation-stimulating movements. During intercourse, stop ramming yourself in and out of her like a jack-hammer and try a calmer, slower rhythm. If you feel yourself reaching your breaking point, pause for a moment or change positions. If you keep doing the same thing your body isn’t going to react in any way other than ejaculating. Switch things up. Don’t stick to one configuration or speed level.

Listen to your body

Most guys are so wrapped up in the pure ecstasy of sex that they go blank and suddenly, it’s over and they “come to.” This is a big no-no. How are you going to know your body if you’re not paying attention to your physical impulses? By heeding the above tip and slowing things down, you can concentrate on your biological reactions to various stimuli and, therefore, have more control over your body, thus delaying the big E.

One of the most memorable guys I was ever with was completely in-tune with his inner mechanics – we would reach a pinnacle and he would suddenly flip me over and, before re-entering me, he would kiss or lick my neck, shoulders and down my spine, and then we would resume. He could go as long as I wanted. It was an amazing experience.


Maybe your weekly sex romps are simply not often enough, meaning you’re like an anxious puppy – when you finally get some action you’re so overly excited you have no self-control. And what this tells me is: you need something to allow you to have a release between sex sessions, and that’s called masturbation. Men who masturbate on a regular basis are able to make love for a longer period of time. They’re also more familiar with their bodies and reactions, and can therefore “fend off” urges more easily.

Like I always say, lasting longer means better sex, and if you can learn how to delay your orgasm, both of you will enjoy it even more


A Healthy Body To Last Longer

After some time together, most couples are guilty of letting themselves go. However, once this has a negative effect in the bedroom, I say it’s time to get in control again!

A lot of men – and women! – actually discover that as time goes on, fire in the bedroom dwindles a bit and sometimes it’s not even due to a lack of desire for sex. It’s about our bodies physically limiting us from performing great in bed. After all, don’t forget that sex IS a cardiovascular activity.

FOUR Things You Should STOP Now to START Better Sex
Being stress-FULL, instead of stress-FREE.

You know, stress is a part of life; so don’t waste time trying to figure out a way to avoid it. Just deal with it and move on to the next stress! I kid honey.

When you are always stressed out, not only is your mind not into the pleasures of sex but you age faster! When you age faster, your body is no longer that flexible and ‘robust’, and in turn, less sex occurs in the bedroom.

So… RELAX. Try to establish a de-stressing habit that works for you. For my lover, he has a ‘space’ in the garage where he has a comfortable ‘man chair’ and small fridge filled with nothing but BEER. Whenever my lover is stressed, he sits there (don’t worry, our garage is insulated), grabs a brew and just ‘chills’.

So find out what de-stressing habit you can come up with and apply it. You’ll be a much cooler dude (but a HOT one in bed) with a habit like this.

Not sleeping enough.

Studies continuously show a direct relation between sleep deprivation and poor bedroom performance. Put simply, if you don’t get enough sleep, you’re not performing 100% during the day. And this translates to a dull performance in bed too. So don’t be Superman and try to accomplish everything in one day. Rest. Relax. Sleep. Tomorrow is another day.

Living ‘chemically’.

By this I mean that you – and you partner – should aim to eat and drink only natural food items. Today’s fast-paced lives are making it fast for us to reach our graves! Stop eating fast food items all the time and drinking sugar-loaded drinks and go back to er… actual cooking and drinking water or freshly squeezed juices.

Store-bought ‘juices’, vitamin supplements, energy drinks, and all these are not natural at all and yet we gladly make them the foundation of our day to day lives. I don’t mean for you to stop and just start eating root crops but take a good and hard look at what you put into your bodies. Often, all these ‘manufactured’ items are all conniving to run down your body and thus, make it hard for you to perform well in bed.

Being a couch potato.

You know what they say, if you’re a couch potato, you’ll end up looking like a spud in no time. Sex is a form of aerobic exercise. If you’re out of breath on a treadmill or cross-trainer in less than 5 minutes… well, it could mean this is your performance time in bed too.
Start exercising. You’ll feel good, look good and have better sex in no time!

Use adventure and romance to spice up your relationship

“Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken.”

When you’ve been in a relationship for a long time, it’s easy for things to become routine, including your sex life. If things have gotten a bit ho-hum, then the chances are good that your partner feels the same way. Maybe it’s time for something new!

Not all of these ideas will appeal to everyone. Broach the subject with your partner and see what she thinks. If she’s reluctant, suggest you try a few things at least once. She might surprise you, and she might be surprised at the powerful orgasms she experiences.

Try Sex in Unusual Places

If you’ve found yourselves in a sexual rut, the answer could be as simple as geography. Think about it—how long has it been since you’ve had sex anywhere except the bed? You probably have several other rooms in your home; why not use them? Sex in the shower can be a steamy, erotic experience, but you might find it a little too slippery. Try out the living-room couch, the guest-room bed or in front of a roaring fire. If you’re adventurous, make a love date in the back of the SUV, parked in a romantic location. The thrill of getting caught adds a naughty element that will heighten the experience.

Experiment with Role Playing

It might seem clichéd, but role playing is a great way to begin experimenting with your sexual relationship. Discuss role play with your lady and decide on an adventure that appeals to both of you. Perhaps you’re a policeman who has caught her doing something naughty—or vice versa. You could be a sexy burglar who surprises her in the shower. Perhaps you’re a pirate, and she’s an innocent young maiden. You get the idea! It might feel silly at first, and you’ll probably laugh together, but you’ll create an exciting atmosphere in which anything can happen.

Explore Her Fantasies

Not every woman is willing to share her fantasies with her partner, but yours might. Ask her if she’s ever wanted to do something she thought you wouldn’t agree to. It might be something simple, such as pretending you’re a celebrity crush, or something more complex, like acting out an elaborate fantasy she’s been dreaming about for years. Whatever it is, go with it. If the idea excites her, you’ll become excited, too, just by watching her arousal. Also, simply by trying to please her you’ll show her how much you love her and continue to build the trust that’s important in every love relationship.

Play with Toys

If you’ve never tried sex toys, now is the time to start! If you’re shy about visiting a store, explore one of the many thousands of online adult sites, many of which have been designed to make newcomers feel welcome. Sex toys can be expensive, so start with a few items you think you both might really enjoy, such as a vibrator, exotic love lotions, sexy board games or feather toys. One of the best toys you can purchase is a remote-controlled vibrator, which attaches with a belt around her waist and thighs. You control the amount of vibration and pleasure she experiences, which adds a new dimension to your sexual play. You might even suggest she wear it the next time you’re out on a romantic date!

Share Erotica Together

Men and women usually have very different ideas about erotica. Men tend to like visual stimulus, while women often prefer printed erotica. Why not share your interests with one another and see what happens?

Shop online or visit your local video store’s behind-the-curtain section and select an erotic film that appeals to both of you. You should be able to find a good selection of movies made for women, meaning the producers spend more time on the story than on bump-and-grind sex. You may not wind up watching most of the movie—once things start heating up onscreen, your lady might, too!

Another idea is to read a book together. Shop online for erotic books—not pornography, but real books with characters and storylines. Take turns reading to each other in bed or in another romantic setting. You can even find waterproof erotica books to read in the bath!

More Romance = More Powerful Orgasms

So what’s the point of all this extra effort? Extra-strong orgasms! When women feel pampered, cared about and cherished, they open up to new sexual experiences and allow themselves to relax and enjoy the ride. A few unusual and erotic activities will turn up the romance and turn on your lady.

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